Information Publication Scheme Agency Plan
Information Publication Scheme Agency Plan
Export Finance Australia is established under the Export Finance and Insurance Corporation Act 1991 (Cth).
Export Finance Australia is required to comply with the Information Publication Scheme (IPS) requirements of the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth) (FOI Act).
The IPS requires us to publish certain information on our website.
This Plan describes how we comply with, and how we have implemented and administer, the IPS.
Our objectives in relation to this Plan are to outline appropriate mechanisms and procedures to:
- manage the IPS information holdings
- identify and publish all information required to be published
- identify and publish optional information where we consider it appropriate
- review on a regular basis and ensure IPS information holdings are accurate, up to date and complete
- ensure information published under the IPS is easy to locate, understandable, machine readable and reusable
- ensure satisfactory compliance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0)
- monitor and assess our compliance with the IPS and this Plan
- consider feedback on our IPS approach and this Plan as appropriate.
Establishing and administering the IPS
Monitoring and assessing our compliance with the IPS and this Plan, and ensuring our FOI Disclosure Log remains up to date, is the responsibility of our Legal team. This will be done with the oversight of the General Counsel.
Each relevant business team is responsible for keeping our IPS information holdings accurate, up to date and complete. Our Marketing team also ensures the relevant IPS information holdings materials remain published and accessible on our website, and action website change requests where needed to update information.
To identify and respond to the IPS requirements, we review the FOI Act and relevant Information Commissioner guidance periodically as part of our review referred to in the ‘Review’ below. To identify information required or permitted to be published, we also periodically review our relevant website content to ensure it remains up to date and accurate, easy to locate, accessible and usable.
We do not charge for access to our IPS information holdings (however for clarity, FOI fees and charges may apply for FOI requests. Please see FOI information).
IPS information architecture and accessibility
We publish the information required under the IPS in the Information Publication Scheme section of our website. We also provide access to a range of other information on our website for public consumption and transparency.
We ensure that information published on our website meets the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (Version 2.0) requirements. To the extent practicable, we will publish on our website information in HTML, Microsoft Word and PDF format. When this is not possible, we will provide the information in another format on request.
We also provide a search function on our website to aid accessibility.
Information can be downloaded or provided on request.
Information required to be published
We publish information in accordance with section 8(2) of the FOI Act under the following headings:
- IPS Agency Plan (being this plan)
- Who we are and what we do (which includes our Annual Reports and the information contained in those around organisational structure and our Board, our Board Audit and Risk Committee and its Charter)
- Our reports and responses to Parliament
- Freedom of Information Disclosure Log
- Consultation arrangements
- Contact us.
We will not publish any exempt matter, including under sections 8 and 8C of the FOI Act and information which is exempt under section 7 and Division 1 of Part II of Schedule 2 of the FOI Act. We may publish additional optional information on our website from time to time.
Our Legal team reviews our IPS Agency Plan periodically, and at least every three years, to ensure we continue to comply with the IPS requirements in the FOI Act. This will be done with the oversight of the General Counsel.
We will undertake, in conjunction with the Information Commissioner, a review of the operation of the Scheme as appropriate from time to time and, in any case, within five years after the last review occurred.
Feedback or questions about the IPS Agency Plan can be provided by email to foi@exportfinance.gov.au.
The following definitions apply when used in this Plan:
FOI Act means the Freedom of Information Act 1982 (Cth).
IPS Information Holding means information published or to be published under the IPS.