Our approach to complaints
How to provide feedback or complain
If you would like to provide us with feedback or make a complaint, you can let us know by one of the following methods:
- We encourage you to contact your account manager in the first instance.
- Using our online feedback form or our online complaints form
- emailing it to: complaint@exportfinance.gov.au
- writing to: Export Finance Australia - Complaints
Level 10, 22 Pitt St. Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
Please contact 1800 093 724 if you require assistance with submitting your complaint or feedback.
We ask that when making a complaint or providing feedback, please be respectful and understanding to our employees. We will not tolerate unreasonable, abusive, aggressive or disrespectful behaviour.
Please note that this policy does not apply to recruitment or employment-related complaints. These will be referred to the relevant contact internally for consideration.
Our approach to feedback
We are committed to improving our customer experience.
We appreciate that feedback can give us important insights into how we might do things better.
If you are unsatisfied with our services, we would like to hear about it and your thoughts on how we might fix it.
If you are happy with the level of service received, please let us know so we can recognise our employee for their customer service.
Our approach to complaints
Your complaint will be handled objectively and fairly and we will not discriminate against you just because you have made a complaint.
If you are making a complaint on behalf of another party, including as a campaign coordinator or aggregator system, we will require evidence of your authority and appropriate privacy law consents so that we can correspond with you or the complainants regarding the complaint.
What to include in your complaint
Although not required, it will help us investigate and respond to your complaint if you can provide:
- your name and contact details;
- your complaint and any efforts made to resolve it;
- whether you have had any previous contact with us on this or similar issues; and
- the outcome you would like.
How we handle complaints
We aim to acknowledge receipt of your complaint within five business days and will try to resolve your complaint quickly if we are able to do so.
If we are unable to resolve your complaint quickly, we will keep you informed on the matter including when you can expect to receive a reply. We will work with you to clarify any further information we may need to help us better address your concerns.
We may provide a standard response to complainants where the nature of the complaint is substantively the same (including by way of a single response to the coordinating party or system, where responding to individual complaints is not reasonably practicable).
How we monitor complaints
Complaints are reported to our Executive and Board Audit and Risk Committee periodically.
Our Chief Risk Officer is responsible for managing this policy. This policy is subject to review in accordance with our Compliance Plan.
Privacy and confidentiality
Your personal information disclosed to us as part of your complaint will be handled in accordance with our Privacy Policy.
You can request that your complaint and identity (or the identity of a person you are representing) be kept confidential. We seek to respect such requests unless we are required or authorised to disclose information under applicable law or regulation, or to any governmental body. Please note that it may limit our ability to investigate your complaint if we cannot contact you to clarify or seek further information.
Please also note that we are subject to legislative and other confidentiality provisions that may limit our ability to provide information to you about third parties.
If you are not satisfied
If you are not satisfied with our response, or the way in which we have handled your complaint, you can write to complaint@exportfinance.gov.au and request an internal review.
You are also entitled to refer your concerns to the Commonwealth Ombudsman.